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mental health in students?

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Looking For Love? Try Finding Purpose as Well

Looking For Love? Try Finding Purpose as Well

The world of online dating can be overwhelming with the dizzying array of options for attracting a partner but new research shows that those looking for love may have more success if they also seek a sense of purpose in life.

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How Does Social Attention Develop In Autistic Children?

How Does Social Attention Develop In Autistic Children?

From the very beginning of their lives, newborns show fascination for faces and face-like configurations, especially moving ones. This fundamental, widely shared social attention can, however, be impaired in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

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Resilience And Adolescent’s Psychological Well-Being

Resilience And Adolescent’s Psychological Well-Being

Resilience, an ordinary yet essential aspect of human resources, is critical in dealing with adversity, stress, and challenges. Understanding the relationship between resilience and well-being not only expands our knowledge but also promotes individuals’ psychological well-being.

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Born Bashful

Born Bashful

As psychologists learn more about the factors that determine where a child falls along the shyness spectrum, they’re also finding ways to prevent bashfulness from becoming a setback.

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Better Ways to Combat Anxiety In Youth

Better Ways to Combat Anxiety In Youth

“There have been enormous advancements in the last 50 years in terms of recognizing anxiety disorders and developing evidence-based, first-line treatments for them,” says David H. Barlow, PhD.

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Bullying: What We Know Based On 40 Years of Research

Bullying: What We Know Based On 40 Years of Research

A special issue of American Psychologist® provides a comprehensive review of over 40 years of research on bullying among school age youth, documenting the current understanding of the complexity of the issue and suggesting directions for future research.

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Research On Creativity And The Arts

Research On Creativity And The Arts

Research on the link between the arts, creativity, and mental health reveal new findings. This includes that drawing improves children’s moods by helping to distract them, and more.

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